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Mudtools | 白色修整海綿 White Finishing Mudsponge

Mudtools | 白色修整海綿 White Finishing Mudsponge

Regular price HK$80.00
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Size: 2.63" x 3.75"

The White Finishing is a pop-up sponge made with a tight cell material and is less absorbent than the Blue Workhorse. It is excellent for finishing work, final detail and clean-up of surfaces and won’t pull out grog or other materials in the clay body. Think of it like a chamois sponge.

Mudtools 白色修整海綿由緊密的細胞組織而製成,比藍色粗糙海綿更吸水。白色修整海綿適合用於修飾作品最終細節,清潔作品表面,並不會從柸體本身帶出粗糙的沙石或其他物料。

Natural sponges have been used by potters for years. However, the quality of natural sponges can be unpredictable and we try to be environmental conscious about what materials we use and the long term effects. Our sponges are made of a biodegradable and environmentally friendly material that is incredibly durable. Your Mudsponge comes to you compressed for economy of space and for the fun of watching them expand when introduced to water.

天然海綿已被陶藝創作者使用多年。天然海綿的質素並無法預料,而抱有環保意識的Mudtools 非常注意他們使用的物料及其長期對環境的影響。Mudsponge 是以一種非常耐用、可生物降解及環保物料所製成。為了節省空間,海綿會以壓縮形式呈現。海綿只要接觸水就能解壓,望見海綿解壓亦是一種舒壓。

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